Ultracopier 2.2

Ultracopier 2.2

Free File copying tool with features like pausing, speed limits, etc.
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

It’s true that the built-in utilities for making copies in most recent Windows versions have been improved and they now allow pausing the process and handling errors. However, most people would still prefer to use third-party software. UltraCopier is one of those tools developed to help you manage file copying processes. Probably the single most important reason why users turn to this type of application is its speed. Fortunately, UltraCopier is reported to be among the fastest copy handlers.

The application’s interface looks unfinished, so it surely needs a few touches. However, it is absolutely easy to use, even more if you are already familiar with other utilities of this type. Also, the installer package comes with two available skins. As to its features, it can speed up the copy and also allow managing the list of files. Furthermore, it asks you what to do when an error is encountered. While not in use, the application runs from the System Tray and becomes active whenever an operation that involves copying or transferring files and folders is invoked. Luckily, it supports installing additional plugins to expand its features.

UltraCopier has the advantage of being portable, which means that you can run it from a USB stick. Besides Windows, it also works on other operating systems, such as Mac and Linux, so you won’t have to get used to another copy-making manager if you frequently switch systems. As the standard version is open-source, it has a large community of developers that supports it, so it is more likely to be updated regularly.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • It is easy to use
  • It is integrated with Windows shell
  • It transfers data very fast


  • Its interface needs retouching
  • There are some language errors in the English version of the documentation

Comments (4)

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rating drik
As a Windows Admin that handles TB of data for thousands of users, I love this tool but recently I use Gs Richcopy 360 in the Windows, which regarding ACLs/ADS and speed to any destination is a must. Migrating data from server to server makes it unbeatbale. You guys can play with your GUI all you want but when it is migrations, large quantity of copies, etc – Gs Richcopy 360 has been dependable for years in my line of work.

May 10, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
rating Aaditya Singhania
UltraCopier is one among popular software when it comes to faster copying . I've been a user of this tool myself, but has now been inconvenienced by several crashes/errors/data loss when transferring files. I had no choice but to do the process over again. So I would like you to take GS RichCopy 360 under consideration as it helped me allot. I found it allot better than both the software mentioned above. My friends suggested GS RichCopy 360, and for several months it has been working perfectly fine for me. You might want to give it a try if you are looking for a reliable software. Hope this helped.

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UltraCopier is one of the amazing tools that is out there and I was a user previously. It was not recently until I figured out another great software that I use which is GS RichCopy 360. I've read different articles on this and only found a few of them. If UltraCopier doesn't work for you, I highly endorse you try out what I suggested.

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